Bing found the following results
  1. MAC Address Vendor Lookup | MAC Address Lookup

  2. Yandex — a fast Internet search

  3. HTML URL Encoding Reference - W3Schools

  4. What is the character encoding of this file? - Stack Overflow

  5. Z-Library Project - eBooks library. Download books free

  6. DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator

  7. GitHub - aayi/The-Tale-of-Li-Wa: People living in the digital age ...

  8. 科创网 - 发展科技爱好,倡导科学理性

  9. 网址请求中用的是什么编码? - 知乎

  10. 如何巧妙表达以免被知乎和谐?(二) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏