Bing found these results
  1. HTML URL Encoding Reference - W3Schools

  2. MAC Address Lookup Tool - AskApache

  3. MAC Address Lookup: Unmask Your MAC - MiniWebtool

  4. MAC Address Lookup - MAC/OUI Vendor Search - DNS Checker

  5. What is the character encoding of this file? - Stack Overflow

  6. %E6%9D%8E%E9%9B%B7是什么编码,找个在线解密成中文的网 …

  7. URLエンコード・デコードフォーム[Web便利ツール] - TAG index

  8. url %E4%BD%A0%E5%A5%BD 编码问题-CSDN博客

  9. =E4=B8=80=E4=B8=AA=E4=B8=8E=E5=B9=BF=E4=B9=89=E4=BA= =8C=E9=A1=B9=E7=BA

  10. 网址请求中用的是什么编码? - 知乎