Bing found the following results
  1. 徒有虚名(汉语成语)_百度百科

  2. 徒有虚名的解释|徒有虚名的意思|汉典“徒有虚名”词语的解释

  3. English translation of '徒有虚名' - Collins Online Dictionary

  4. 徒有虚名 : with an undeser... : tú yǒu xū míng | Definition

  5. 徒有虚名 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

  6. 徒有虛名的解释|徒有虛名的意思|汉典“徒有虛名”词语的解释

  7. Chinese Word: 徒有虚名 - Talking Chinese English Dictionary

  8. 徒有虛名 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

  9. 徒有虚名 meaning - Chinese-English Dictionary

  10. 徒有虚名 - Translation into English - examples Chinese | Reverso …

  11. Some results have been removed