About 31,700 results
  1. XmlTextWriter Class (System.Xml) | Microsoft Learn

  2. System.Xml.XmlTextWriter class - .NET | Microsoft Learn

  3. XmlTextWriter Constructor (System.Xml) | Microsoft Learn

  4. A Simple Way to Write XML in .NET (XmlTextWriter) | CodeGuru

  5. Writing XML Files Using the XmlTextWriter Class - Developer.com

  6. Writing XML Files Using the XmlTextWriter Class | CodeGuru

  7. C# XmlTextWriter - Dot Net Perls

  8. Indentation and new line command for XMLwriter in C#

  9. XmlTextWriter.cs - referencesource.microsoft.com

  10. XmlTextWriter.Formatting Property (System.Xml) | Microsoft Learn

  11. Some results have been removed