About 368,000 results
  1. Cytosine - Wikipedia

  2. Cytosine | base, nucleobase, DNA | Britannica

  3. Cytosine - National Human Genome Research Institute

  4. Cytosine | C4H5N3O | CID 597 - PubChem

  5. Cytosine - Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary

  6. Structural Biochemistry/Nucleic Acid/Nitrogenous Bases/Purines/Cytosine

  7. Discovery of the structure of DNA (article) | Khan Academy

  8. The Curious Chemical Biology of Cytosine: Deamination, Methylation

  9. Cytosine - Wikiwand

  10. The four bases-ATCG | Learn Science at Scitable - Nature