
Shanta Pillai, DO    

Sleep specialist
Address: 904 7th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 · < 1 mi
Clinic:Harborview Medical Center
Specializations:Sleep Medicine
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I treat sleep disorders in all patients who are 7 years and older. Each patient has unique concerns and sleep habits. Treating sleep disorders successfully requires thorough evaluation and clear …
I treat sleep disorders in all patients who are 7 years and older. Each patient has unique concerns and sleep habits. Treating sleep disorders successfully requires thorough evaluation and clear provider-patient communication. I hope my patients feel understood at the end of our visit and hopeful that we are working towards quality, restorative sleep.

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When should I see a doctor?
The first reason to see a doctor is to find out if the ankle is broken. Signs of a break include not being able to bear weight when taking at...
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