康文署移除粉嶺樓遊樂場一棵有倒塌風險的古樹名木,以保障公眾安全,被移除的是一棵細葉榕,《古樹名木冊》內的編號為LCSD N/12,樹木高度為13 ...
(政府新聞處) 2023年度香港傑出運動員選舉晚上在會展舉行,女子游泳代表何詩蓓,男子劍擊代表張家朗,分別奪得「星中之星香港傑出女運動員 ...
星凱.堤岸商場租戶陸續開業 譚仔三哥月租15萬進駐 要有幾多客人先夠交租? 毗鄰港鐵火炭站、中洲置業旗下現樓新盤「星凱.堤岸」經已入伙 ...
New legislation in Hong Kong has banned Styrofoam products and single-use plastic cutlery. Under the new law, single-use cutlery like forks, spoons, straws and plates cannot be sold or distributed ...
2023年度香港傑出運動員選舉昨晚(4月24日)舉行,香港女子游泳代表何詩蓓,男子劍擊代表張家朗,兩名東京奧運獎牌得主分別奪得「星中之星香港 ...
After months of speculation, the Shanghai-based art fair operator Art021 is launching a Hong Kong fair, scheduled for this summer – provisionally July. Called Art021 Hong Kong, the inaugural ...
Hong Kong on Monday (Apr 22) started phasing in a ban on disposable plastic products across restaurants and businesses, setting a six-month deadline for the city to eliminate plastic cutlery and ...
Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has retained its position as the world’s busiest cargo airport, though the volume of goods flowing through it last year still fell short of pre-pandemic ...
HONG KONG – Hong Kong investment bankers could face more job cuts as the slowdown in China deals persists and employers look to trim highly compensated staff, according to Bloomberg Intelligence.
(封面圖源:Netflix《黑暗榮耀》劇照、tvN《淚之女王》劇照) 新劇《保護者們》(보호자들)講述在完善不完善法律的最後堡壘中,孤軍奮戰的 ...
第42屆香港電影金像獎頒獎典禮日前正式落幕,古天樂與袁詠儀壓軸頒發影帝獎項,古天樂上台一句「我是劉青雲」讓在場嘉賓全都笑翻。事實上 ...
HONG KONG - Noah Holdings is seeking to as much as double the number of managers it employs in Hong Kong and Singapore to look after wealthy clients and handle an increased flow of capital from ...