A computational model and behavioral study developed by Yale scientists gives a new clue to the age-old question of how our brain prioritizes what to remember. Yale’s Priyamvada Natarajan and ...
現在會應用到逐字稿的情況其實不少,除了紀錄會議、上課或演講所說的內容外,上影片字幕時聽取影片裡在講什麼其實也是一種,不過這對沒訓練過的人來說真的是一件難事,光聽一次就要 ...
為你倒數韓國專輯排行榜,人氣K-POP搶鮮推介。 搜羅最新鮮的娛樂資訊,讓你瞬間變成韓流達人。 細數經典金曲,歌王歌后的成名故事,娓娓道來。
With our migration to a new web platform, our news archives have moved. If you followed a link that looks something like this: https://www.esf.edu/communications/view ...