王毅指出,這一輪形勢升級是加沙衝突外溢的最新表現。 當務之急是盡快平息加沙衝突。 中方呼籲衝突各方切實執行聯合國安理會決議,立即停火 ...
王文濤表示,今年是中意建立全面戰略伙伴關係20周年,中方願同意方繼續秉持絲路精神,深挖貿易潛能,提升貿易水平;優化投資結構,發展新質 ...
Major Chinese asset managers like Harvest Fund and Southern Fund are leveraging Hong Kong subsidiaries to apply for Bitcoin ETFs. Some of China's biggest asset managers are using Hong Kong ...
At least 380 households at Hong Kong public rental estates own private flats and authorities have taken action against 60 of them for violating rules meant to ensure only the neediest families are ...
王卓淇自爆內地拍劇收入不及TVB。 王卓淇日前客串前TVB藝人何君誠有份投資的內地短劇,並自爆收入不及TVB:「大家成日話TVB嘅收入唔高,喺香港嚟 ...
王文濤表示,今年是中意建立全面戰略伙伴關係20周年,中方願同意方繼續秉持絲路精神,深挖貿易潛能,提升貿易水平;優化投資結構,發展新質 ...
By David Pierson A representative of Reporters Without Borders was denied entry to Hong Kong on Wednesday while attempting to enter the city on a fact-finding mission about shrinking press ...
Three men and two women have been killed during a fire in a largely residential building in Hong Kong. Another 27 people have been left injured. At least six of them are in a serious condition and ...
我是廣告 請繼續往下閱讀 王必勝表示,依據《醫療事故預防及爭議處理法》第35條,有醫療事故發生時,會請醫策會組成專家小組並主動前往調查 ...
HONG KONG, April 10 (Reuters Breakingviews) - The last thing Hong Kong’s struggling stock market needs is for the shares of a $1.9 billion listed company to plunge 99% in 15 minutes. That's the ...
帥哥整型醫師有著「醫界王陽明」封號,首任前妻子是「華航林依晨」趙筱葳,後來因娶香港女星鐘欣潼(阿嬌)聲名大噪 ...
王必勝接受《太報》採訪時表示,衛福部已接獲這起案件通報,因為事態嚴重,將依據《醫療事故預防及爭議處理法》第35條,請醫策會執行長召集 ...