神舟十八號載人飛船升空約6個半小時後,凌晨與中國太空站天和核心艙,順利徑向交會對接,再現太空會師場面,神十七航天員熱烈歡迎,與神十八 ...
神舟十八號載人飛船發射圓滿成功航天員乘組狀態良好 神舟十八號載人飛船發射,取得圓滿成功。 長征二號F遙十八運載火箭,晚上約8時59分在酒泉 ...
Hong Kong will reduce the tax on profits derived from intellectual property (IP) and update legislation to reflect breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) as part of a wider push to turn the ...
神十八飛船由火箭搭載升空一刻。(新華社、互聯網) 火箭順利升空。 神舟十八號載人飛船於昨晚8時59分順利升空,並進入預定軌道,隨後與中國 ...
Hong Kong has a free market economy, highly dependent on international trade and finance - the value of goods and services trade, including the sizable share of reexports, is about four times GDP.
New legislation in Hong Kong has banned Styrofoam products and single-use plastic cutlery. Under the new law, single-use cutlery like forks, spoons, straws and plates cannot be sold or distributed ...
after authorities received an alert that he attempted to leave the country with a one-way ticket to Hong Kong. The Clinton Township Police Department said during a press conference Friday morning ...
Critics say national security law cracking down on offences such as insurrection will further erode civil liberties Hong Kong’s parliament has passed a controversial national security law ...
In 2022, LSE welcomed 366 students from Hong Kong, 253 at undergraduate level and 113 at graduate level. If you would like to receive further information about studying at LSE, please register your ...
The Group of Seven was unambiguous about the West's differences with Beijing, such as the quashing of democratic freedoms in Hong Kong and its failure to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine.