HONG KONG: Hong Kong's securities regulator on Monday granted conditional approval to start the city's first spot-Bitcoin and ether exchange-traded funds (ETFs), firms involved said, positioning it as ...
Why is a government like a computer program? To a Hong Kong start-up, it’s because its activities can be mapped, converted into structured data, and studied using computers – to the extent ...
全國僑聯前副主席、中國和平統一促進會香港總會理事長盧文端表示,垃圾徵費先行先試的亂象反映香港社會還沒準備好,現階段不適宜推行垃圾徵 ...
以色列總理內塔尼亞胡表示,向加沙最南端的拉法市派出地面部隊將會發生,並指這個日期已經確定,他強調,要戰勝加沙的哈馬斯武裝分子,以軍 ...
Nearly 2,000 professionals earning HK$10 million (US$1.27 million) or more a year successfully applied to move to Hong Kong under a government scheme to attract talent in the past 12 months ...
日本九州當地時間今早10時23分發生5.2級地震,震央位於大隅半島以東近海,震源深度為40公里。 氣象廳發布地震警報,指在宮崎南部平原地區觀測到 ...
元気寿司再度聯乘角落小夥伴™,由即日起陸續於全線分店及「外賣自取網上訂購」平台推出一系列限定特色餐目,包括炸蝦尾武士卷、PURI PURI 吉列 ...
8日上午10點25分左右,位於震央大隅半島東海岸附近處發生地震,宮崎縣日南市偵測到震度5弱的地震。根據日本氣象廳稱,地震震央深度約40公里 ...
Hong Kong is one of the world's largest gold trading hubs Hong Kong authorities have made the city's largest ever gold smuggling bust, seizing 146kg of the precious metal disguised as machine parts.
Hong Kong has a free market economy, highly dependent on international trade and finance - the value of goods and services trade, including the sizable share of reexports, is about four times GDP.
A ranking of the top songs based on streaming and sales activity from within the country- as tracked by Luminate. The ranking is based on a weighted formula incorporating official-only streams ...
週二,盤面上,港股三大指數連續兩日反彈,截止發稿,香港恒生指數升至0.6%,恒生中國企業指數升至0.48%,恒生科技指數升 ...