陳茂波:香港有能力貢獻國家及全球產業鏈和供應鏈升級轉型 財政司司長陳茂波表示,只有全球產業鏈和供應鏈的合作保持穩定、持續深化,才能讓 ...
蘋果 (AAPL-US) 公布 2023 年度供應鏈名單,台廠有兩家獲納入、四家被剔除,其中,南電 (8046-TW) 暌違多年重返供應鏈名單,而去年首度入列的聯詠 (3034-TW) 僅待一年後就遭剔除,其餘如南亞科 (2048 ...
內地車企競爭漸趨白熱化,對電動車零件及服務存有渴求,令電動車產業鏈擴張速度因而加快。 電動車產業鏈涵蓋多個關鍵環節,從電池和電機系統 ...
財政司司長陳茂波表示,只有全球產業鏈和供應鏈的合作保持穩定、持續深化,才能讓世界各國普遍受惠,相信香港有能力貢獻國家以至全球產業鏈和供應鏈的升級轉型,助力增強其韌性和 ...
Hong Kong’s finance chief has vowed to help 1.8 million companies make payments or use government services on a new platform as part of efforts to accelerate the development of the digital economy.
圖像加註文字,此次是這套新型陸基飛彈系統首次在第一島鏈亮相,中程飛彈的射程可達兩千公里以上。 根據美國《海軍新聞 ...
Hong Kong will set up an office this year to promote the development of the digital economy and a smart city on the back of an estimated 50 trillion yuan (US$6.91 trillion) market across the ...
Hong Kong has a free market economy, highly dependent on international trade and finance - the value of goods and services trade, including the sizable share of reexports, is about four times GDP.
因此投資策略著重選股,看好半導體龍頭相關供應鏈及散熱,是台股拉回時會優先加碼族群。 輝達新品效能提升,但因成本較高,企業仍持觀望態度 ...
Asia Society Hong Kong Center is proud to present a screening of 2020 Chaos and Hope, a documentary about America’s experience confronting the perfect storm that was the year 2020. Join ASHK for a ...
這個市場的容量就這麼大,區塊鏈的總市值也就兆,實際能賣出的流動性十分之一。很多所謂的一夜 A8A9 的故事不過是他們的個人敘事,用來圈錢 ...
A ranking of the top songs based on streaming and sales activity from within the country- as tracked by Luminate. The ranking is based on a weighted formula incorporating official-only streams ...