有媒體報導,民進黨立委林岱樺辦公室日前舉行詐騙案協調會時,與星展銀行協理協商3小時仍無果,辦公室主任竟稱,「沒把事情解決大家都別離開!」,並將銀行協理「拘留軟禁」。對此 ...
Official website: Limetorrents.info https://www.limetorrents.lol https://limetorrents.so https://limetorrent.ws https://limetorrents.life https://limetorrent.xyz You can simply copy and paste these ...
林岱樺(右二)強調會與民眾站在一起,共同杜絕詐騙。(圖/記者呂晏慈攝,下圖同) 記者呂晏慈/台北報導 網路媒體《NOWnews》今(28日 ...
We prosecute people for hundreds of different types of crime every year. This section gives an introduction to some of the categories of offending that we are asked about most often.