(Bloomberg) -- A Reporters Without Borders representative was refused entry to the city after arriving to monitor the trial of former media mogul Jimmy Lai, the group said. Most Read from ...
America’s top diplomat said on Friday that the US is preparing to impose new visa restrictions on Hong Kong officials deemed “responsible for the intensifying crackdown on rights and freedoms ...
HONG KONG — A representative of Reporters Without Borders was deported from Hong Kong upon arrival Wednesday, the advocacy group said, in what it called a “new decline” in press freedom in ...
But Lemuel Ma and Wesley Matsuharu Lai, two teen dancers in the Hong Kong Ballet’s Classical Training Programme, know that boys also have a place in ballet. Lemuel and Wesley, both 14 ...
60歲男星郭子乾從《華麗計程車行》的車行老闆,演到《省省吧!我家富貴發》的駕訓班教練「劉志中」,教起學生有模有樣、架勢十足,說出「左 ...
日期 開市 最高 最低 收市* 經調整收市價** 成交量 2024年4月12日 33.100 33.100 31.800 32.200 32.200 16,240,731 2024年4月11日 33.750 33.950 32.250 33.350 33.350 16,734,216 2024年4月10日 34.450 34.550 34.200 34.400 34.400 6,531,515 ...
新北閱讀節推出30條融入當地文化的深度走讀活動。(新北市立圖書館提供) 一年一度的時尚閱讀盛宴「新北閱讀節」將於4月20日登場,結合閱讀 ...
A ranking of the top songs based on streaming and sales activity from within the country- as tracked by Luminate. The ranking is based on a weighted formula incorporating official-only streams ...
日期 開市 最高 最低 收市* 經調整收市價** 成交量 2024年4月17日 2.662 2.684 2.634 2.668 2.668 77,064,700 2024年4月16日 2.730 2.730 2.650 2.664 2.664 163,933,200 2024年4月15日 2.758 2.802 2.738 2.788 2.788 105,815,900 2024年4月12 ...
這是因為馥馬爾香氛出版社攜手明日製作所,延續「香水+出版社」此一概念,策劃了一檔名為《花草間的閱香聞旅》的展覽,並以繪本為媒介,邀請「童里繪本洋行」擔任繪本企劃。 主題定調 ...
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Revenue increased 16.2 percent to a record 62.36 billion Chinese yuan ($8.63 billion) in 2023. Anta Sports Products’ revenue climbed 16% in 2023 on high-quality growth across all of its business ...