New legislation in Hong Kong has banned Styrofoam products and single-use plastic cutlery. Under the new law, single-use cutlery like forks, spoons, straws and plates cannot be sold or distributed ...
Deep Dive delves into hot issues in Hong Kong and mainland China. Our easy-to-read articles provide context to grasp what’s happening, while our questions help you craft informed responses.
就好似2021年在港IPO上市的奈雪的茶(2150.HK),股價至今累瀉九成,頗大程度受到競爭對手蜜雪冰城拖累,引致「攬炒」。 港股及IPO市場持續淡靜有目共睹,投行感受最直接,裁員消息頻傳 ...
日期 開市 最高 最低 收市* 經調整收市價** 成交量 2024年4月25日 2.938 3.064 2.938 3.004 3.004 148,088,800 2024年4月24日 2.900 2.986 2.892 2.974 2.974 176,183,000 2024年4月23日 2.800 2.864 2.780 2.856 2.856 109,249,125 2024年4月 ...
Hong Kong can do more to help finance the transition of high-emitting sectors and heavy-polluting industries to more sustainable business activities as a hub for the region, Financial Secretary ...
The Star Ferry is an absolute must when you come to Hong Kong. Think of it as the what the Eiffel Tower is to Paris. Transporting guests between the Kowloon Peninsula and Hong Kong Island ...
WEB+主頁在新分頁開啟 e-Learning在新分頁開啟 中華文化在新分頁開啟 歲月.港台在新分頁開啟 認識《國家憲法、基本法與國安法》在新分頁開啟 大灣區知多啲在新分頁開啟 RTHK Everywhere ...
To make a direct call to Hong Kong From China, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling Hong Kong mobile or land line from China. To call ...
法國五月藝術節,是亞洲最大型的文化盛事之一,展現最紛繁的藝術種類,從傳統到當代藝術、從畫作到設計、從古典音樂到當代舞,從電影到木偶,為觀眾搜羅最優秀的作品。 「落雨心情差, ...
鷹君(00041)與港鐵公司(00066)合作的何文田站朗賢峯第IIB期,落實於周六(27日)展開首輪銷售,以價單形式發售260個單位。 鷹君地產代理有限公司銷售及市務總經理梁淑儀表示,項目繼今日上載價單 ...