警方數字顯示,近月網上帳戶被騎劫的案件有上升趨勢。由今年1月的約100宗,大幅上升至3月的約550宗,升幅達4.5倍,3個月涉及的損失金額 ...
Two travellers who flew into Hong Kong have been arrested for allegedly carrying 1.4kg (3lbs) of suspected cocaine worth an estimated HK$1.4 million (US$178,765) concealed in their bodies.
Nearly 2,000 professionals earning HK$10 million (US$1.27 million) or more a year successfully applied to move to Hong Kong under a government scheme to attract talent in the past 12 months ...
Hong Kong has become the latest country to approve spot exchange-traded funds (ETF) for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH), with local regulators issuing approvals to at least three local issuers.
今年首3月網上帳戶騎劫案約550宗損失總額逾二千萬元 警方表示,涉及通訊軟件網上帳戶騎劫的案件,於去年8月到12月期間有3100多宗,損失金額超過 ...
New legislation in Hong Kong has banned Styrofoam products and single-use plastic cutlery. Under the new law, single-use cutlery like forks, spoons, straws and plates cannot be sold or distributed ...
China Asset Management, Bosera Capital and other applicants posted to social-media platform WeChat (Weixin) that they had been approved to list spot bitcoin and ether ETFs in Hong Kong.
元朗發生行劫案。今日(22日)凌晨約2時半,一名35歲姓許男子在元朗康樂路一兒童遊樂場如廁時,3名年約20至25歲男子突闖入廁內向事主揮拳施襲,他 ...
騙徒隨機發送有毒連結,伺機騎劫用戶網上帳戶。 騙徒透過sms訛稱用戶帳戶有問題,漁翁撤網式找尋受害人。 近來網上帳戶 ...
The much-anticipated approval of spot Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in Hong Kong earlier this week represents a significant industry milestone for some experts. However, others warn ...
Hong Kong’s metro rail operator MTR has announced a “renewal plan” for its dedicated line serving the Disneyland Hong Kong resort. The line opened in 2005 with the sole aim of easing tourist traffic ...
HONG KONG, April 15 (Reuters) - China's top official on Hong Kong affairs said the city should "tightly hold" onto the bottom line of national security to safeguard development, in a speech coming ...