Hong Kong remains “very attractive” to legal professionals even as foreign sanctions target city officials, judges and prosecutors, the justice secretary has said, amid the roll-out of an ...
Wage increases for retail and travel workers have fallen behind all other sectors as Hong Kong battles back from the pandemic, with an industry association warning the pay gap may affect service ...
以色列揚言反擊伊朗的襲擊,以色列安全內閣周日(14日)授權戰時內閣決定對伊朗的反擊行動。以色列國防軍總參謀長哈列維則漏夜到基里亞空軍基地與空軍司令、防空部隊司令和國防軍司令 ...
唐詩詠2003年因拍青春劇《當四葉草碰上劍尖時》入行,2017年憑《不懂撒嬌的女人》首奪視后攀上事業高峰,惟兩年前宣布與TVB約滿離巢結束20年賓主關係。唐詩詠接受商台《星光背後》訪問 ...
Hong Kong regulators are expected to greenlight spot ETFs for both bitcoin and ether as early as Monday, Bloomberg reported, citing sources familiar with the matter. Hong Kong regulators could approve ...
馬英九在致詞時表示,兩岸堅持九二共識,「度盡劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇」。 馬英九和習近平2015年在新加坡舉行兩岸領導人會晤後,一別近9 ...
兩名女子在上水遇劫,被搶走兩個行李箱,報稱載有值300萬元金粉。 事發在今日(9日)早上7時25分,警方接獲一名女子報案,指與另一名女子在上水 ...
今日佢就post出同仔仔去整頭髮嘅相,二人都即刻sharp醒晒,李綺虹多謝髮型師並講笑表示:「Thanks for making us look HK worthy.(多謝你令我們看起來配得上香港。)」睇嚟長居外國真係冇咁「外協」!
This comes after the markets were hit by geopolitical tensions and China’s slowing economy. Hong Kong's Chief Executive, John Lee, announced on Monday that the government is exploring additional ...
The U.S. has denounced Hong Kong’s new national security law as a tool to potentially silence dissent both at home and abroad, but so far the action from Washington has been notably muted ...
“Back To Hong Kong” is a tight and jangly stunner that simultaneously evokes Dire Straits and R.E.M., and there’s a hint of Elvis Presley in Alex Evans’ low-slung vocals. Listen below.
南非一名前國奧隊球員,在周三(3日)晚於約翰奈斯堡的一個油站遇人槍殺身亡。調查指這位球員當時被人用槍指嚇要他下車,之後被開槍射殺 ...