Hong Kong companies are hailing Malaysia as “a go-to place” for artificial intelligence (AI) and e-commerce development amid a push to explore Southeast Asian markets, while many have said the ...
投資推廣署宣布,內地旅遊流動應用程式開發商「活力天匯」在港開設地區總部,開拓國際龐大市場。 投資推廣署助理署長蔣學禮說,香港是 ...
Hong Kong will set up an office this year to promote the development of the digital economy and a smart city on the back of an estimated 50 trillion yuan (US$6.91 trillion) market across the ...
樓價谷唔起,業主叫價回歸現實,居屋未補價第二市場錄大手劈價成交。筲箕灣東熹苑兩房單位狂劈逾百萬港元易手,減幅超過四分之一。 世紀21溢榮郭少玲表示,屋苑C座高層6室,實用面積約 ...
HONG KONG’S government is considering new tax rules that would give more favourable treatment to popular alternative investments including private credit and infrastructure, according to people ...
By David Pierson A representative of Reporters Without Borders was denied entry to Hong Kong on Wednesday while attempting to enter the city on a fact-finding mission about shrinking press ...
該行視天齊鋰業(09696.HK)及贛鋒鋰業(01772.HK)下半年股價疲弱為吸納機會,基於兩者所擁有的鋰資源。 該行續予天齊鋰業及贛鋒鋰業H股「增持」評級,天齊鋰業H股目標價由51元上調至52元 ...
The U.S. has denounced Hong Kong’s new national security law as a tool to potentially silence dissent both at home and abroad, but so far the action from Washington has been notably muted ...
另一宗天盛苑成交為D座中層11室,單位實用面積601方呎,獲綠表買家以410萬元承接,平均實用呎價為6,822元。林家倫指出,該綠表買家早前曾睇中一 ...
Hong Kong is one of the world's largest gold trading hubs Hong Kong authorities have made the city's largest ever gold smuggling bust, seizing 146kg of the precious metal disguised as machine parts.
旁白: 國家第一艘自主建造的 極地科學考察破冰船「雪龍2」號抵港 訪港五天期間 免費開放予已登記的公眾 和團體登船參觀 「雪龍2」號是全球第一艘 採用船艏 船艉雙向破冰技術的 極地科考 ...
今天是清明節連續假期第三天,下午國道湧現北返車潮,包含國1北向台中至台中系統、新竹系統至湖口、平鎮系統至中壢轉接道;國3北向清水服務 ...