該名女大生上完廁所要穿褲子時,發現隔間木板上有一支手機在偷拍她。(圖/示意圖,AI生成) 據受害者上社群軟體「Threads」上爆料,表示整件事 ...
讓她無奈表示:「我是大魔王,奇特的案例」。 賴薇如昨天在社群平台繼續分享懷孕進度,表示17日到醫院驗血追蹤,結果出爐竟發現懷孕指數hCG ...
賴薇如表示去醫院追蹤檢查後,出血量及積血狀況都好轉許多,讓她更加確定離院觀察是對的選擇,雖然醫生和醫護人員都力勸開刀,不過由於開刀 ...
Eight Singaporeans were among 71 foreigners who were rescued by the Taiwanese authorities after being trapped in Hualien following the 7.4-magnitude earthquake that hit eastern Taiwan on April 3.
(Bloomberg) — The daughter of a Chinese nickel billionaire purchased a multimillion-dollar mansion in Singapore, adding to the list of wealthy people seizing buying opportunities during the market ...
The composer of Netflix series Heartstopper has shared her delight at being nominated for a Bafta. The Bedford-born musician, Adiescar Chase, has been nominated in the television award shows category ...
Eddie Vedder has revealed that Pearl Jam’s new song “Wreckage” was inspired by former US president Donald Trump. “Wreckage” appears on Dark Matter, the Seattle band’s twelfth album ...
SINGAPORE – The overwhelming majority of Singaporeans pursuing their studies abroad do so in one of three countries: the United States, Britain and Australia. Nearly eight in 10 local students ...
SINGAPORE — There are five main taxes that one has to pay as a Singaporean or permanent resident, and income tax is one of these. Generally, income earned in or derived from Singapore is subject to ...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is investigating a Boeing whistleblower's claims that the company dismissed safety and quality concerns in the production of ...
The Gonzales County Sheriff’s Office said the boy confessed to using his grandfather’s gun to commit the murder Brenton Blanchet is a writer-reporter at PEOPLE. He has been working at PEOPLE ...
I'm sure I don't have to tell you how messed up the housing market feels right now. According to Bankrate, the average home price in the US hovers around $387,600. This means buyers should make around ...