The centrist political party No Labels announced Thursday it was calling off its plan to launch a third-party ‘unity’ ticket for November’s presidential election after it failed to find a ...
SINGAPORE— The government has no plans to review the minimum annual leave entitlements for now, said Senior Minister of State for Manpower Koh Poh Koon. The minister was responding in Parliament to a ...
初入帕鲁大陆的新玩家,若选择加入多人游戏服务器,务必避免一开始就攻击NPC(商贩),更不要企图将商贩绑架回基地进行交易,因为一旦绑架NPC ...
近日,平谷区王辛庄镇东杏园村的杏花迎来了一年一度的盛放期。枝头簇拥的杏花犹如片片粉色云霞竞相开放,以其淡雅而热烈的姿态装点了乡村大地,踏青赏花的游客纷纷拿起手机拍照留念 ...
SINGAPORE — Singapore has decided not to make a bid to host the 2026 Commonwealth Games, dealing a blow to the quadrennial multi-sport event as it struggles to find a new host after the Australian ...
(Bloomberg) — The first person to plead guilty among ten people arrested last year in Singapore’s record S$3 billion ($2.2 billion) money laundering case was sentenced to 13 months in jail. Su ...
3月30日,菏泽鲁西新区党工委副书记、管委会主任王新国督导调度重点项目建设工作,鲁西新区领导苑涛、孔鲁民、闫博、奚道超参加活动。 王新国一行来到坤泽药业、海希储能、汇泽生物 ...
据山东电视台“闪电体育”报道,王大雷在赛后向球迷谢场时双眼通红。 作为泰山队的主力门将,王大雷把守的球门本场被对手三次洞穿,他在比赛结束后也难掩失落。
北京时间2024年3月31日刚刚结束的世界斯诺克男女混双赛小组循环赛中,特鲁姆普/西里帕蓬组合与塞尔比/肯纳组合展开了精彩 ...
A Bulgarian cruise ship carrying over a hundred passengers has crashed into a concrete wall in a sluice on the River Danube in Austria. The incident occurred overnight in the northern Austrian ...
波兰总理图斯克直言不讳地警告,欧洲已进入“战前时代”,如果乌克兰被俄罗斯击败,欧洲将没有人感到安全。 英国广播公司(BBC)报道,图斯克向欧洲媒体发表讲话时说:“我不想吓唬任何 ...
Two years ago, the US government provided $7.5bn to create a national network of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. To date, seven have been built. The money came from the $1 trillion ...