文化中心經典武俠劇服飾道具展展出《神鵰俠侶》等劇服飾道具 尖沙咀文化中心即日起舉辦「經典武俠劇服飾道具展覽」,展示約30件由七十至千禧 ...
Purdue’s Net Price Calculator helps families plan for educational costs. By following the link below and entering information, you will receive a financial aid package estimate. The package includes ...
三桓之所以任用孔子,主要原因,是三桓家長都年紀較輕,經歷了陽虎專權及叛亂,國內局勢險峻,地方勢力難以約束;定公年紀較大,難以操控;而南方蠻夷吳國興起,吳王夫差領兵北上威逼 ...
建銀國際發表研究報告指,安踏(02020.HK)今年首季業績呈強勁執行力,開局正面,料公司於2024財年安踏、FILA及其他品牌的營業收入收將分別增長10% ...
ChinaAMC (HK), the city's unit of China Asset Management, said in a statement it had received regulatory approval from Hong Kong's Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC) for the ...
與此同時,有「鱷王」之稱的全球最大對沖基金橋水基金創辦人達里奧(Ray Dalio)等機構投資者認為,相對其他亞太區市場,中資股估值已變得吸引,建議買入。 成交1441億 萬七關得而復失 踏入 ...
NET主張有基隆東岸商場產權爭議持續延燒 ... 並引述媒體說法批評謝國樑將權利金縮水為1500萬元、賤價委商。民進黨政策會執行長王義川也在媒體上表示,謝國樑大砍廠商權利金,圖利微風。
HONG KONG: French beauty company L'Occitane on Tuesday halted trading of its Hong Kong-listed shares pending an announcement of a takeover, according to a company notice to the bourse. The buyout ...
But cargo revenue shrank by 17.9 per cent to HK$22.16 billion last year, compared with 2022. Earnings per share were HK$1.40, compared with a loss per share of HK$1.11 a year ago.
This hheadline was corrected aT 10:00 p.m. ET because the company's net was misstated as CNY146.6M Vs. Net CNY138.0M. China Merchants Bank reported lower net operating income in 2023, marking the ...