Investors should note that CICT only pays out distributions on a half-yearly basis. However, the REIT does disclose its financial numbers for gross revenue and net property income (NPI) every quarter.
Dear Readers, Thank you for coming here! Here comes the snapshot of our Total Net-Worth for Apr 2024. Net-Worth increase from last month: -5K SGD, -2.2KG Gold The decrease was mainly due to stock pull ...
SINGAPORE – Gold has kept smashing price records in March and April as tensions in the Middle East unnerve investors who pile into safe haven assets for safety. After hitting a record high of US ...
SINGAPORE — The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has released information on the Singapore Savings Bond (SSB) latest tranche, which has an average return per year of 3.06 per cent with a ...
Eight Singaporeans were among 71 foreigners who were rescued by the Taiwanese authorities after being trapped in Hualien following the 7.4-magnitude earthquake that hit eastern Taiwan on April 3.
Take control of your finances with help from ValueChampion’s expert analyses of credit cards, loans, insurance & more. Discover the benefits of a hospital cash insurance plan in handling unforeseen ...