熟悉李忠的多位战友说:“他没有干什么轰轰烈烈的大事,但他身上始终都带着光。” 群众向李忠(左三)赠与锦旗(资料照片 ...
都市丽人深耕内衣行业26年,都市丽人集团累计获得专利527项,还获得中国针织工业协会委任,参与制订、修订国家、行业及团体内衣标准,其中 ...
经过多方寻找,终于在次日上午找到了焦急万分的失主。“是16只,一只也没少!”看到失而复得的羊,失主激动不已,连连向收费站工作人员道谢。 “这些羊是家里的主要经济来源,如果不是 ...
The Centre for Health Protection today said it recorded the first human case of B virus, also known as the herpes simiae virus, and urged the public to refrain from touching or feeding wild monkeys to ...
Focused on international growth, OXXO adopts RELEX AI-driven forecasting and replenishment solutions for smarter supply chain and inventory management ATLANTA, April 15, 2024--(BUSINESS WIRE)--OXXO ...