期間不只打造大型海洋樂園,包含大王烏賊、小丑魚珊瑚迷宮等巨型裝置,現場還有百攤美食、舞台表演、親子互動,等著大家來參與! 限時 4 天!高雄「兒童節市集」打造大型海洋樂園 高雄 ...
《東風會》 入市要趁勢‧投資借東風 立即加入《東風會》 1 植田和男: 日圓長期弱勢機率並非零 15:47 2 據報碧桂園計劃下半年提出境外債組方案 15:37 3 每百日圓兌港元跌穿5算水平 15:14 4 [歐洲 ...
東京迪士尼海洋第8座全新主題園區「夢幻泉鄉」6月6日要開幕了!「冰雪王國」、「樂佩公主森林」、「小飛俠夢幻島」3 個區域,分別生動重現 ...
After months of speculation, the Shanghai-based art fair operator Art021 is launching a Hong Kong fair, scheduled for this summer – provisionally July. Called Art021 Hong Kong, the inaugural ...
– 參觀潮汕地標「潮汕歷史文化博覽中心」,可以了解到潮汕非物質、華僑及現代美術文化 – 午餐享用「一人一鍋鹵水火鍋 + 過橋鵝腸宴」。最後乘高鐵返回西九龍高鐵站解散 優惠期 (預訂期 ...
HONG KONG’S government is considering new tax rules that would give more favourable treatment to popular alternative investments including private credit and infrastructure, according to people ...
By David Pierson A representative of Reporters Without Borders was denied entry to Hong Kong on Wednesday while attempting to enter the city on a fact-finding mission about shrinking press ...
各區的焦點遊樂設施、餐廳美食、主題商品,及「東京迪士尼海洋夢幻泉鄉大飯店」搶先看! 東京迪士尼海洋第8 座全新主題園區「夢幻泉鄉」。圖片來源|©Disney 「夢幻泉鄉」主題海港內 ...
東京迪士尼海洋第8 座全新主題園區「夢幻泉鄉」。圖片來源|©Disney 「夢幻泉鄉」主題海港內,設計靈感源自電影的遊樂設施、餐飲設施、商店 ...
This comes after the markets were hit by geopolitical tensions and China’s slowing economy. Hong Kong's Chief Executive, John Lee, announced on Monday that the government is exploring additional ...
The U.S. has denounced Hong Kong’s new national security law as a tool to potentially silence dissent both at home and abroad, but so far the action from Washington has been notably muted ...