在许多人眼中,ChatGPT 的诞生,标志着 AI 领域的一次伟大变革。 与此同时,这款风靡全球的 AI 聊天机器人,也拉开了全球众多 AI 公司在大模型领域 ...
The watch world keeps on ticking, and there's never been a better moment to spend some quality time really considering that tempting new watch purchase. Sign up to Esquire's About Time newsletter ...
Netflix's new true crime documentary, "What Jennifer Did" explores the true story of Jennifer Pan, a Canadian woman who allegedly hired people to kill her parents. Pan was 24 at the time of the ...
Let's talk career, money and life. 5-minute weekly newsletter to stay ahead of the curve. Hello there! We are a bunch of (relatively) young people creating content for other young people on career, ...
近日,中国领导人会见美国工商界和战略学术界代表,传递出积极正面的信号:中方希望中美关系稳定,同时欢迎美国企业在华开展业务。 某种程度 ...
瑞银在今年达沃斯世界经济论坛 (WEF) 年会上发表白皮书,重点阐述如何借助民间财富来实现联合国可持续发展目标(SDG)蓝图,这也正切合本届达沃斯论坛的主题“领导力:应势而为、勇于 ...
The #Fitspo series is dedicated to inspirational men and women in Singapore leading healthy and active lifestyles. This week: Charge SG founder Vanessa Oh. Here is a round-up of sports events and ...
王瑞杰说,他和刘建超在会见中评估了新中之间广泛且实质的双边合作,这种合作是以紧密的民间交流为基础,而民间的联系持续加深,特别是两国人民现在可在长达30天互免签证的安排下往返 ...
在面对复杂且不受边界限制的现代挑战时,新加坡和印度尼西亚应继续推进双边合作。我国除了会深化与雅加达的合作,也会与印尼各省政府和地方领导人,探索在绿色和数码经济、旅游业 ...