New legislation in Hong Kong has banned Styrofoam products and single-use plastic cutlery. Under the new law, single-use cutlery like forks, spoons, straws and plates cannot be sold or distributed ... 金與正說,北韓將繼續構建壓倒性、最強的軍事力量。(法新社資料圖片) 北韓勞動黨中央委員會副部長金與正透過朝中社發表談話 ...
After months of speculation, the Shanghai-based art fair operator Art021 is launching a Hong Kong fair, scheduled for this summer – provisionally July. Called Art021 Hong Kong, the inaugural ...
Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has retained its position as the world’s busiest cargo airport, though the volume of goods flowing through it last year still fell short of pre-pandemic ...
Hong Kong on Monday (Apr 22) started phasing in a ban on disposable plastic products across restaurants and businesses, setting a six-month deadline for the city to eliminate plastic cutlery and ...
On 1 January Hong Kong beat China in a football game for the first time in almost 30 years. Actually, the official result of the pre-Asian Cup warm-up was Hong Kong, China 2-1 China. The name of ...
就好似2021年在港IPO上市的奈雪的茶(2150.HK),股價至今累瀉九成,頗大程度受到競爭對手蜜雪冰城拖累,引致「攬炒」。 港股及IPO市場持續淡靜有目共睹,投行感受最直接,裁員消息頻傳 ...
日期 開市 最高 最低 收市* 經調整收市價** 成交量 2024年4月23日 31.600 31.850 31.400 31.650 31.650 5,524,516 2024年4月22日 31.250 31.950 31.200 31.450 31.450 3,165,803 2024年4月19日 31.100 31.200 30.700 31.100 31.100 4,247,654 ...
The government has ordered food commissioners to collect samples of spices from all the manufacturing units in the country, sources said, after food regulators in Hong Kong and Singapore red ...
法國五月藝術節,是亞洲最大型的文化盛事之一,展現最紛繁的藝術種類,從傳統到當代藝術、從畫作到設計、從古典音樂到當代舞,從電影到木偶,為觀眾搜羅最優秀的作品。 「落雨心情差, ...
黃大仙發生交通意外。今午(24日)4時許,一輛校巴駛至斧山道近宏景花園停車場閘口預備離開,期間姓蔡(47歲)男司機疑打開車門拍卡出閘時跌出車外,而校巴溜前並將其輾過,校巴最終撞毀路邊 ...
有購入上車盤僅半年的業主跳船。祥益盤嘉茵表示,屯門麗寶大廈低層A室,實用面積約239方呎,減價20萬元,區內客以230萬元承接,呎價約9,623元。 她指,新買家購入單位作退休之用,原業主於 ...