以中環private banker自居的葉朗程,在fb出帖文講他見證 Sevva 最後一夜,掀起一陣網絡熱烈討論。 下載Yahoo財經APP 美股外幣即時報價 多國新聞任睇 這個帖文最有趣的地方,是主人翁俞琤竟也親身 ...
Hong Kong has become the latest country to approve spot exchange-traded funds (ETF) for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH), with local regulators issuing approvals to at least three local issuers.
New legislation in Hong Kong has banned Styrofoam products and single-use plastic cutlery. Under the new law, single-use cutlery like forks, spoons, straws and plates cannot be sold or distributed ...
Hong Kong’s revamped Temple Street night market attracted 1.5 million tourists and locals in about five months as part of an official campaign to boost evening spending, with authorities opting ...
Hong Kong will mark its unprecedented role as a co-host of the coming National Games next year by hosting eight events including fencing and track cycling, among the city’s strongest sports.
SINGAPORE – Singapore and longstanding rival Hong Kong are fighting tooth and nail to attract family offices, but while they share the same goal, their game plans are quite different.
Hong Kong on Monday (Apr 22) started phasing in a ban on disposable plastic products across restaurants and businesses, setting a six-month deadline for the city to eliminate plastic cutlery and ...
【彭博】— 美國貿易逆差連續第三個月擴大的同時,對中國的商品往來赤字卻降至三個月來最低水平。 商務部周四公佈的數據顯示,2月商品和服務貿易赤字環比成長1.9%至689億美元,觸及近一 ...
電影「Night at the Museum」呈現了博物館入夜後的瘋狂,當然,那只是電影的想像;不過,想感受入夜後的博物館,也不是不可能! 自M+推出「M+夜不同 ...
Hong Kong is one of the world's largest gold trading hubs Hong Kong authorities have made the city's largest ever gold smuggling bust, seizing 146kg of the precious metal disguised as machine parts.
China Asset Management, Bosera Capital and other applicants posted to social-media platform WeChat (Weixin) that they had been approved to list spot bitcoin and ether ETFs in Hong Kong.
其中被譽為「白眼女神」的立委黃捷就當場示範以色列防身術與謝龍介對打,結果卻被謝龍介狂虧:「這種打法真的是穩死的啊!」 我是廣告 請繼 ...