Hong Kong companies are hailing Malaysia as “a go-to place” for artificial intelligence (AI) and e-commerce development amid a push to explore Southeast Asian markets, while many have said the ...
(12:22更新-增加《超雞小隊》,目前累積6家) 《劍紙三國》稍早在臉書發聲明,表示團隊與大家一樣關心未成年人性侵害的問題,任何對於 ...
HONG KONG’S government is considering new tax rules that would give more favourable treatment to popular alternative investments including private credit and infrastructure, according to people ...
By David Pierson A representative of Reporters Without Borders was denied entry to Hong Kong on Wednesday while attempting to enter the city on a fact-finding mission about shrinking press ...
【華盛頓時事】由美、英、澳三國組成的安全保障框架「AUKUS」,於8日宣布考慮與日本合作,未來將與日本合作開發尖端軍事技術的想法。其目的是 ...
The U.S. has denounced Hong Kong’s new national security law as a tool to potentially silence dissent both at home and abroad, but so far the action from Washington has been notably muted ...
Hong Kong is one of the world's largest gold trading hubs Hong Kong authorities have made the city's largest ever gold smuggling bust, seizing 146kg of the precious metal disguised as machine parts.
由 CAPCOM 推出的開放世界動作遊戲《龍族教義》,時隔 12 年終於推出新一集。保持遊戲賣點依然是「精心編織而成的王道幻想世界」,隨了能夠因應玩家想像且豐富多彩的劇情外,這次還推廣 ...
A 47-year-old Hong Kong man has been charged with drug trafficking after customs seized about HK$2.2 million (US$280,972) of cannabis and crack cocaine in a weekend bust. The Customs and Excise ...
清明假期,全國各地掀起一股文博熱潮,尤其在增強現實(AR)、虛擬現實(VR)、人工智能等技術加持下,沉睡的文物“活”了起來。沉浸式觀展 ...
簡宏圻 張益鈞 張桓軒 楊超丞 黃傲天 林淳霈 陳心慈 報導 / 花蓮縣 持續帶您關心,花蓮強震今天的搜救重點,一樣是太魯閣國家公園的「砂卡礑 ...
台灣花蓮對開海域7.2級地震,增至10人死亡,過千人傷,600多人被困,40多人失聯。 最新一名死者是在太魯閣公園小錐麓步道被大石活埋的男子,他 ...