Hong Kong will mark its unprecedented role as a co-host of the coming National Games next year by hosting eight events including fencing and track cycling, among the city’s strongest sports.
我為被賴清德遺棄的鄭文燦叫屈。」 我是廣告 請繼續往下閱讀 凌濤今日指出,新潮流派系幾乎人人有官做,鄭文燦退流了嗎?他表示,新「BI內閣 ...
藝人黃子佼持有未成年影片引發社會譁然,知名實況主「統神」張嘉航日前發言表示「我也想X未成年」,民進黨發言人批評國民黨近期還邀請統神 ...
HONG KONG’S government is considering new tax rules that would give more favourable treatment to popular alternative investments including private credit and infrastructure, according to people ...
這次演出《祕密的女人》,勢必為演藝事業迎來另一波高峰。 李倸英三度演出小三角色,笑納罵名「要觀眾恨我」。(圖/東森提供) 「國民惡 ...
By David Pierson A representative of Reporters Without Borders was denied entry to Hong Kong on Wednesday while attempting to enter the city on a fact-finding mission about shrinking press ...
屈臣氏集團宣布,任命倪文玲為該集團行政總裁,將於5月1日生效。 屈臣氏集團(集團)宣布,任命倪文玲為該集團行政總裁 ...
陸恭蕙︰不應以經濟不佳為藉口叫停垃圾收費 全國僑聯前副主席盧文端近日表示,垃圾收費是當年由激進反對派提出。前環境局副局長陸恭蕙接受本 ...
並回應,「儘管放馬過來,我沒有在怕!」 我是廣告 請繼續往下閱讀 蘇治芬昨日表示將對黃國昌提出告訴,她稱看到黃國昌因為麥寮鄉週六的補選 ...
The U.S. has denounced Hong Kong’s new national security law as a tool to potentially silence dissent both at home and abroad, but so far the action from Washington has been notably muted ...
Hong Kong is one of the world's largest gold trading hubs Hong Kong authorities have made the city's largest ever gold smuggling bust, seizing 146kg of the precious metal disguised as machine parts.
A 47-year-old Hong Kong man has been charged with drug trafficking after customs seized about HK$2.2 million (US$280,972) of cannabis and crack cocaine in a weekend bust. The Customs and Excise ...