4月20日,中国驻美大使谢锋在哈佛大学肯尼迪学院发表演讲,三次被学生活动人士的抗议打断。 抗议的哈佛学生对美国之音说,她们无法接受谢锋在 ...
漫画之无彩翼漫画海贼王, 据了解,本届洛阳牡丹文化节的赏花期将持续至5月5日,期间将举办“相约神都·漫步花海”沉浸式赏花、东方博物馆之都奇妙游等活动。 声明:该文观点仅代表作者 ...
(首尔讯)韩国女团Apink成员尹普美(Yoon Bomi)在热播韩剧《泪之女王》中饰演罗秘书,剧中对金智媛饰演的洪海仁社长有话直说,演出抢眼。事业得意的她,爱情也甜蜜开花结果,23日传出和 ...
美国国务卿布林肯时隔10个月再次踏足中国,准备就一系列议题与中国高层进行艰难的会谈。 但他星期三(4月24日)下午抵华后并没有直奔主题,看起来倒像是绕了一个圈,以亲和姿态开启三天 ...
(Bloomberg) — The daughter of a Chinese nickel billionaire purchased a multimillion-dollar mansion in Singapore, adding to the list of wealthy people seizing buying opportunities during the market ...
SINGAPORE — There are five main taxes that one has to pay as a Singaporean or permanent resident, and income tax is one of these. Generally, income earned in or derived from Singapore is subject to ...
作者:和溪(国家社科基金重大项目“礼与服饰的关系研究”首席专家、浙江财经大学特聘教授) 唐代经学家孔颖达云:“中国有礼仪之大,故称夏;有服章之美,谓之华。”礼与服饰是中华 ...
Netflix's new true crime documentary, "What Jennifer Did" explores the true story of Jennifer Pan, a Canadian woman who allegedly hired people to kill her parents. Pan was 24 at the time of the ...
I was shocked to find out that the minimum annual leave entitlement in Singapore is just 7 days. That seems painfully little but it’s a reality for almost 10 per cent of full-time resident employees ...
《鬼灭之刃》在漫画领域取得了一个重大成就,超越了包括《海贼王》在内的其他作品。 据报道,《鬼灭之刃》是2023年销量最高的漫画,单卷销量 ...
MUMBAI (Reuters) - The Indian rupee weakened on Friday as the greenback extended recent gains and rose to its highest level in nearly five months, while state-run banks' dollar sales helped limit ...
SINGAPORE — One person was taken to hospital and another arrested after a crane fell and crushed a van along Punggol Road, near the junction of Compassvale Street, on Tuesday (9 April). According to ...