HKSE - HKSE 延遲價格。貨幣為 HKD。 中電華大科技(00085.HK)公布2023年止年度業績,收入30.19億元,按年增加21.6%。錄得純利6.86億元 ...
Hong Kong remains “very attractive” to legal professionals even as foreign sanctions target city officials, judges and prosecutors, the justice secretary has said, amid the roll-out of an ...
香港知名私立教育機構-德萃學校現正申請在深圳開辦—深圳巿德萃港人子弟中學(寄宿校區),預計 2024 年 9 月開學。 德萃學校秉承創新,融合 ...
(圖片來源:IG@bimil_jieun) 與身障人士約會更方便? 很多人都認為與行動不便的人約會很麻煩,宋枝恩卻列出兩大好處!第一是停車費很便宜,殘障泊車位都在出口處很方便;第二是約會時只去 ...
特區政府與深圳市及澳門探討推行「大灣區跨境直通救護車試行計劃」,病人可以在兩地醫院之間直接「點對點」毋須轉換救護車,運送到本港的 ...
This comes after the markets were hit by geopolitical tensions and China’s slowing economy. Hong Kong's Chief Executive, John Lee, announced on Monday that the government is exploring additional ...
The U.S. has denounced Hong Kong’s new national security law as a tool to potentially silence dissent both at home and abroad, but so far the action from Washington has been notably muted ...
Nov, 15, 2023. The United States sees Hong Kong’s new national security law as a tool to potentially silence dissent both at home and abroad, but has tread carefully so far in responding, a ...
Hong Kong is one of the world's largest gold trading hubs Hong Kong authorities have made the city's largest ever gold smuggling bust, seizing 146kg of the precious metal disguised as machine parts.
一段戀情導致形象大跌,近日最慘的女明星當屬韓韶禧。 韓韶禧自從與柳俊烈的戀情曝光後,所作所為皆令網友無法接受 ...
我是廣告 請繼續往下閱讀 《NOWnews今日新聞》民調,侯友宜說新北也要蓋大巨蛋,你支持嗎?投票自3月7日到4月4日止。根據投票結果,有77.3%網友 ...
統一7-ELEVEn獅投手宋文華今年開季被帶進一軍名單,但球速方面明顯下滑,還沒有投到140公里,宋文華認為,「可能是心態。」 2022年季中獅隊與宋文華簽訂2年4個月複數年約,2022年薪資月薪25萬 ...