Hong Kong remains “very attractive” to legal professionals even as foreign sanctions target city officials, judges and prosecutors, the justice secretary has said, amid the roll-out of an ...
唐詩詠2003年因拍青春劇《當四葉草碰上劍尖時》入行,2017年憑《不懂撒嬌的女人》首奪視后攀上事業高峰,惟兩年前宣布與TVB約滿離巢結束20年賓主關係。唐詩詠接受商台《星光背後》訪問 ...
《垃圾場的決戰》即將展開,在電影上映之前,先來看看《排球少年!!》十大超人氣角色吧! 來打一場不能重來的比賽吧! 排民們期待已久的《排球少年!!》劇場版《排球少年!!垃圾場 ...
Hong Kong regulators are expected to greenlight spot ETFs for both bitcoin and ether as early as Monday, Bloomberg reported, citing sources familiar with the matter. Hong Kong regulators could approve ...
We use some essential cookies to make this website work. We’d like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. We also use ...
30歲的蘇韻姿加入TVB八年時間,突然有消息指她在TVB官方網頁藝員名單中「被除名」,似乎已經離巢。蘇韻姿接受本網電話訪問時承認此事,更透露日內會出席《黑色月光》的慶功宴,她隨後IG ...
The U.S. has denounced Hong Kong’s new national security law as a tool to potentially silence dissent both at home and abroad, but so far the action from Washington has been notably muted ...
買樓「上車」是不少人畢生願望,但台灣就有1名17歲少年斥資2,000萬新台幣(約510萬港元)買樓,而且「全為自付」,未有被課徵「贈與稅」,引起當地關注。台灣稅務局解釋,主要是少年父親 ...
執法部門早前留意到一些網上片段,片段中一名少年於上周五(5日)先後兩次在元朗區駕駛一輛懷疑電單車,分別在青山公路元朗段及水車館街行駛,並在馬路及行人路上穿插。在青山公路元朗段 ...
新北新莊區今(7日)下午驚傳槍響!一名少年疑似不滿去年在KTV遭人毆打,今天下午2時許開車撞入一間裝修中的工程行,並朝店面連開4槍,隨後 ...
The man's cerebrospinal fluid specimen tested positive for B virus by the centre's laboratory today. While this is the first case recorded in Hong Kong, the centre said cases were reported in other ...
The Barras is being transformed this weekend into a traditional Hong Kong-style street market following up the success of their first market last year, with this event promising to be even bigger.