Hong Kong remains “very attractive” to legal professionals even as foreign sanctions target city officials, judges and prosecutors, the justice secretary has said, amid the roll-out of an ...
觀塘凱滙錄得本月首宗二手成交,一房業主持貨5年,最終帳面慘輸約200萬元離場。 據悉,新買家購入單位計劃作收租之用。原業主於2019年以950.3萬 ...
Hong Kong is one of the world's largest gold trading hubs Hong Kong authorities have made the city's largest ever gold smuggling bust, seizing 146kg of the precious metal disguised as machine parts.
快手-W(01024.HK)報表披露,4月5日,於聯交所回購25.05萬股,每股作價介乎48.9-49.15元,總代價約1,230萬元。自普通決議案通過至今,公司累計回購5,436 ...
原叫價2,800萬元,最終累減300萬元或約10.7%,至2,500萬元沽出,呎價約15,413元。 歐偉基指,買家為公司的舊客,並計劃換樓,早前聯絡代理尋覓區內 ...
政府統計處出版《2023年按區議會分區劃分的人口及住戶統計數字》報告書,全港住戶每月入息中位數3萬元,比2022年增加1700元。 中西區住戶每月入 ...
渣打(02888.HK)公布,周三(3日)於倫敦證交所回購117.2萬股,每股作價介乎6.786至6.934英鎊,每股加權平均價約6.885英鎊,涉資約806.92萬英鎊(約7,988.49萬港 ...
113升大學申請入學前端私校招生回溫,教育團體預估,在教育部學雜費補助方案下,讓前端私立大學成為了地方型公立大學的競爭對手,當學雜費 ...
Hong Kong companies are hailing Malaysia as “a go-to place” for artificial intelligence (AI) and e-commerce development amid a push to explore Southeast Asian markets, while many have said the ...
復活節長假期今日展開,截至下午4時,有77萬4千多人次出入境,當中的出境人次有63萬3千多,入境約14萬人次。 經羅湖及落馬洲支線出境的人次較多 ...
After nearly three decades in Hong Kong, VOA's sister outlet Radio Free Asia has closed its physical bureau in the city and no longer has full-time staff there due to the declining press freedom ...
快手-W(01024.HK)報表披露,3月26日,於聯交所回購4.83萬股,每股作價48.55元,總代價約234萬元。自普通決議案通過至今,公司累計回購5,244.22萬股,佔股本1.2097%。(de/d)~ 阿思達克財經新聞 網址 ...