Oriental Land公司在23日,揭曉東京迪士尼海洋(千葉縣浦安市)新區域「夢幻之泉」飯店,並在6月6日開幕前夕向媒體公開採訪。飯店由兩棟主建築 ...
Hong Kong has become the latest country to approve spot exchange-traded funds (ETF) for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH), with local regulators issuing approvals to at least three local issuers.
A delegation representing some of Indonesia’s top companies is pushing to strengthen business ties with Hong Kong, with their prospective plans including opening family offices and investing in ...
一架土耳其航空公司客機上周六(20日)晚降落東京羽田機場期間偏離航道,朝著與控制塔指示相異的跑道飛行,所幸空管人員及時察覺並指示該客機重 ...
Hong Kong’s tourism sector has expressed optimism over their business prospects during mainland China’s Labour Day “golden week” holiday, with a representative saying the industry is ...
New legislation in Hong Kong has banned Styrofoam products and single-use plastic cutlery. Under the new law, single-use cutlery like forks, spoons, straws and plates cannot be sold or distributed ...
在栃木縣那須町河床上發現的公司高級職員寶島龍太郎(55歲)和一名女性屍體的事件中,警方查出寶島的屍體在16日凌晨於東京一處空置房屋中被 ...
中國23名游泳運動員在2021年東京奧運前夕,因環境污染造成興奮劑檢測陽性。在北京,外交部發言人汪文斌今日(22日)回應,事件在2021年經中國反 ...
rthk.hk 金與正說,北韓將繼續構建壓倒性、最強的軍事力量。(法新社資料圖片) 北韓勞動黨中央委員會副部長金與正透過朝中社發表談話 ...
Hong Kong on Monday (Apr 22) started phasing in a ban on disposable plastic products across restaurants and businesses, setting a six-month deadline for the city to eliminate plastic cutlery and ...
China Asset Management, Bosera Capital and other applicants posted to social-media platform WeChat (Weixin) that they had been approved to list spot bitcoin and ether ETFs in Hong Kong.
Dozens of technology enterprises from around the world have been lured to Hong Kong in the past six months, Chief Executive John Lee said on Thursday. The firms will expand their businesses in the ...