New legislation in Hong Kong has banned Styrofoam products and single-use plastic cutlery. Under the new law, single-use cutlery like forks, spoons, straws and plates cannot be sold or distributed ...
在浩瀚宇宙中,我们的地球家园以她独有的生命魅力,构成了一幅幅动人心魄的自然画卷,吸引着每一位探索者的目光。 从太空回望 无垠的 海洋 宛如地球跳动的心脏 激荡着生命的韵律 以纯净 ...
Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has retained its position as the world’s busiest cargo airport, though the volume of goods flowing through it last year still fell short of pre-pandemic ...
After months of speculation, the Shanghai-based art fair operator Art021 is launching a Hong Kong fair, scheduled for this summer – provisionally July. Called Art021 Hong Kong, the inaugural ...
Asian markets had a good day Wednesday, building on Wall Street’s optimism in the previous session and after hours. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index jumped 2.2%, extending its winning streak to three days.
烟台公交客户端 简介:随时随地查询公交运行位置,到点准时来接你,等车不再干着急。
3328.HK Bank of Communications Co., Ltd.
版权声明: 凡来源为"交汇点、新华日报及其子报"或电头为"新华报业网"的稿件,均为新华报业网独家版权所有,未经许可不得转载或镜像;授权转载必须注明来源为"新华报业网",并保留"新华 ...
IT之家4 月 22 日消息,ROG 首款分体水冷产品 ——ROG 龙神 3 代分体水冷头(RYUJIN III WB)上线华硕海外官网。该冷头已同飞龙 3 代一体式水冷散热器一起于 CES 2024发布。 IT之家整理这款冷头规格 ...
1618.HK Metallurgical Corporation of China Ltd.