After months of speculation, the Shanghai-based art fair operator Art021 is launching a Hong Kong fair, scheduled for this summer – provisionally July. Called Art021 Hong Kong, the inaugural ...
Hong Kong remains “very attractive” to legal professionals even as foreign sanctions target city officials, judges and prosecutors, the justice secretary has said, amid the roll-out of an ...
羅兵咸最新嚴正聲明,表示注意到有關匿名信,指當中含有不實信息,嚴重侵害公司商譽,又指公司將深入調查,並已向執法部門報案,亦將保留 ...
趙希洛曾被封為無綫「御用癲婆」,自從去年決定離巢,結束16年賓主關係,自由身向外闖,暫時未有大動向,大家都不時在她的社交平台留言鼓勵,等睇她的新作品。近日,她獲得醫學美容 ...
中國恒大(3333.HK)財務造假,前核數師羅兵咸永道(在內地稱為普華永道)的角色受市場關注。內地社交平台周末熱傳「一部分普華永道合伙人」署名的公開信,將矛頭指向羅兵咸永道亞太及中國 ...
Hong Kong has become the latest country to approve spot exchange-traded funds (ETF) for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH), with local regulators issuing approvals to at least three local issuers.
挾地方政府金援,中國晶圓廠號稱將開出翻倍產能。儘管理想與現實落差極大,但世界先進、力積電已首當其衝。中國力拚全面國產,台灣半導體業者有兩條路應對。 「我們正在風口上,前景 ...
而生活上,已經拍到好攰。如果我想有得揀,我必須要有足夠積蓄,所以離開之前狂拍劇,計過自己半年冇工作都可以養家,金牛座需要有好好準備先去做決定。」看回自己兩年所作的決定 ...
Hong Kong regulators are expected to greenlight spot ETFs for both bitcoin and ether as early as Monday, Bloomberg reported, citing sources familiar with the matter. Hong Kong regulators could approve ...
昨日(8日)晚上約7時半,黃大仙彩虹道一名20歲女子報案,指早前於網上社交應用程式,懷疑被人拍下不雅照片,其後被一名女子勒索一萬港元。執法人員接報到場,經初步調查,案件列「勒索 ...
This comes after the markets were hit by geopolitical tensions and China’s slowing economy. Hong Kong's Chief Executive, John Lee, announced on Monday that the government is exploring additional ...