澳門兩名海關人員涉嫌詐騙1400多天及900多天病假,涉及170多萬元和130多萬元的薪酬,被移交檢察院處理。其中一人在去年底因無故連續5天缺勤 ...
HONG KONG: Hong Kong's securities regulator on Monday granted conditional approval to start the city's first spot-Bitcoin and ether exchange-traded funds (ETFs), firms involved said, positioning it as ...
天齊鋰業(9696)發盈警,預計今年首季度將「盈轉虧」,料錄得淨虧損36億至43億元,相對去年同期淨利潤48.8億元。天齊鋰業盈警遭深交所下發關注 ...
天齊鋰業發通告回應深交所發出的關注函,解釋其今年首季虧損較去年第四季顯著增加的原因等。圖為其網站。 天齊鋰業(9696)發通告回應深交所發出 ...
廣東省減災委員會決定,今日下午4時將省Ⅳ級救災應急響應提升至Ⅲ級。 央視報道,預計今日夜間至星期五,韶關將有一次由暴雨、局部大暴雨到 ...
Why is a government like a computer program? To a Hong Kong start-up, it’s because its activities can be mapped, converted into structured data, and studied using computers – to the extent ...
Nearly 2,000 professionals earning HK$10 million (US$1.27 million) or more a year successfully applied to move to Hong Kong under a government scheme to attract talent in the past 12 months ...
SINGAPORE – Singapore and longstanding rival Hong Kong are fighting tooth and nail to attract family offices, but while they share the same goal, their game plans are quite different.
週二,盤面上,港股三大指數連續兩日反彈,截止發稿,香港恒生指數升至0.6%,恒生中國企業指數升至0.48%,恒生科技指數升 ...
Hong Kong is one of the world's largest gold trading hubs Hong Kong authorities have made the city's largest ever gold smuggling bust, seizing 146kg of the precious metal disguised as machine parts.
Hong Kong has a free market economy, highly dependent on international trade and finance - the value of goods and services trade, including the sizable share of reexports, is about four times GDP.