Hong Kong companies are hailing Malaysia as “a go-to place” for artificial intelligence (AI) and e-commerce development amid a push to explore Southeast Asian markets, while many have said the ...
國防部長可說是台灣兵凶戰危下,最重要的新政府人事。根據媒體披露的新內閣名單,準總統賴清德內定由現任國安會秘書長顧立雄轉任國防部長 ...
HONG KONG’S government is considering new tax rules that would give more favourable treatment to popular alternative investments including private credit and infrastructure, according to people ...
By David Pierson A representative of Reporters Without Borders was denied entry to Hong Kong on Wednesday while attempting to enter the city on a fact-finding mission about shrinking press ...
ACCOMMODATION assets operator Centurion Corporation: OU8 0% on Tuesday (Apr 9) said its wholly owned subsidiary Centurion Overseas Investments has established a 60 per cent-owned unit – ...
來自超級地球的最新情報:壞消息,《絕地戰兵 2》(Helldivers 2)機器人還沒死絕。好消息,喜歡對抗機器人的戰兵又有得打了。 是的,雖然昨(8)日凌晨,超級地球、玩家社群與箭頭工作室 ...
顯示超級地球的人民為絕地戰兵們慶祝民主自由的勝利。 Today, Super Earth citizens celebrated the full eradication of the Automatons. Additionally to reward their bravery, each Helldiver has been issued an extra 1 minute break.
行政長官李家超在滙豐2024年全球投資峰會致辭時說,在短期市場波動下,部分人對港股的表現失望,但也有投資者充滿信心 ...
The U.S. has denounced Hong Kong’s new national security law as a tool to potentially silence dissent both at home and abroad, but so far the action from Washington has been notably muted ...
Hong Kong is one of the world's largest gold trading hubs Hong Kong authorities have made the city's largest ever gold smuggling bust, seizing 146kg of the precious metal disguised as machine parts.
A 47-year-old Hong Kong man has been charged with drug trafficking after customs seized about HK$2.2 million (US$280,972) of cannabis and crack cocaine in a weekend bust. The Customs and Excise ...
人才流失隱憂 雖然馬來西亞可望從美中晶片戰受益,但隨著勞動人才紛紛離去,追求更好的就業前景和更高的薪資,人才流失也為其半導體願景帶來挑戰。 公共政策顧問公司 Access Partnership 數位 ...