rthk.hk 消息指,被捕男子正被警方扣查,稍後會被落案起訴誤殺罪。 (警方提供) 秀茂坪安達臣道地盤前年發生天秤倒塌事件,導致3死6傷。
山頂白加道纜車站附近有樹木倒塌,發展局表示,各部門合作並在安全的情況下,爭取於今晚完成清理工作,清理完成後,機電署會盡快進行巡查及 ...
內地現製茶飲企業茶百道(02555.HK)首日掛牌,開市報15.74元,較招股價17.5元低10.1%,其後跌幅擴大至32%,最低見11.9元,現報12.48 ...
Why is a government like a computer program? To a Hong Kong start-up, it’s because its activities can be mapped, converted into structured data, and studied using computers – to the extent ...
New legislation in Hong Kong has banned Styrofoam products and single-use plastic cutlery. Under the new law, single-use cutlery like forks, spoons, straws and plates cannot be sold or distributed ...
Hong Kong has the potential to become an international innovation hub for hydrogen technologies, said Don Cheng Hill-kwong of The Hong Kong and China Gas Company, or Towngas. Cheng, who is head of ...
網上近日流傳一段影片,片中一名男子懷疑在港鐵火炭站月台助跑後跳起,橫跨一條路軌到對面月台。片段除了有人協助拍攝,涉事者亦有主觀角度 ...
總部位於成都的四川百茶百道實業 (茶百道) 周二 (23 日) 在香港上市,首日股價暴跌逾 38%,可能創下自 2015 年以來,在香港籌集至少 3 億美元的 IPO 公司最差的首日表現。 首日的慘淡凸顯了香港 ...
高拔陞在英國介紹本港公營醫療服務。(政府新聞處) 公立醫院醫護人手短缺,醫管局繼續出外「搶人才」,在過去周末派代表團參與港府在英國倫敦 ...
SINGAPORE – Singapore and longstanding rival Hong Kong are fighting tooth and nail to attract family offices, but while they share the same goal, their game plans are quite different.
【健康醫療網/記者張慈恩報導】營養對人的成長和健康很重要,也與腸道疾病有關,因此被建議作為治療的一部分。 富含動物蛋白的飲食 恐增 ...
Hong Kong is one of the world's largest gold trading hubs Hong Kong authorities have made the city's largest ever gold smuggling bust, seizing 146kg of the precious metal disguised as machine parts.