2024年4月16日,深圳市市场监督管理局党组书记、局长蔡英权率队来到新瑞鹏宠物 ... 日前,备受宠物行业瞩目的深圳福田“宠九条”完成起草并进入 ...
今年4月,上海17天里有11天在下雨,雨日达到50年来同期最多。 综合中新社和澎湃新闻报道,进入4月以来,上海雨日已达到11天,这也是1974年以来同期(4月1日至17日)雨日最多的一次,与1981年 ...
台湾宪法法庭正就死刑存废问题开庭辩论。法务部检察司长郭永发指出,死刑不违反生命权保障,也不侵犯人性尊严及构成酷刑,吁请宪法法庭对死刑做出合宪性判决。 综合台湾风传媒和中央社 ...
SINGAPORE — Employers in Singapore will have to consider flexible work arrangements (FWA) such as work-from-home (WFH) days, where formally requested by employees when a new set of guidelines kick on ...
The centrist political party No Labels announced Thursday it was calling off its plan to launch a third-party ‘unity’ ticket for November’s presidential election after it failed to find a ...
The Biden administration is proposing a new wealth tax targeting Americans with a net worth of $100 million or more. Under the proposed plan, these high-net-worth individuals would be required to ...
Called simply Certified, the program will be available for pre-owned timepieces from both professional and private sellers with price tags above $1,000 (€1,000). The certification includes a ...
日前,备受宠物行业瞩目的深圳福田“宠九条”完成起草并进入 ... 深圳市市场监督管理局党组书记、局长蔡英权等领导高度赞扬了新瑞鹏集团在 ...
SINGAPORE — There are five main taxes that one has to pay as a Singaporean or permanent resident, and income tax is one of these. Generally, income earned in or derived from Singapore is subject to ...
Meta has released the latest entry in its Llama series of open generative AI models: Llama 3. Or, more accurately, the company has debuted two models in its new Llama 3 family, with the rest to ...
今年3月,青岛国资旗下的海信网能“突袭”科林电气控股权,并迅速引发了石家庄国投和董事长团队的坚决回击。由此,不仅创始人与外来资本严峻 ...
Netflix's new true crime documentary, "What Jennifer Did" explores the true story of Jennifer Pan, a Canadian woman who allegedly hired people to kill her parents. Pan was 24 at the time of the ...