統神在直播中Call in苗博雅節目。(圖/翻攝自YouTube/統晨大戲院) 統神質疑,若買賣影片很嚴重「那為什麼法官判(黃子佼)緩起訴呢?」苗博雅 ...
CP值日生為了愛電影的你,挑選推薦出人生必看的15部經典電影神作。這個「必看」可不是CP值日生說了算,而是根據IMDb高分推薦、有憑有據掛保證的 ...
多數傷害並非被飛彈擊中所造成,而是遭武器墜落的殘骸所傷。伊朗國家新聞台甚至用假畫面,宣稱突破以色列的國防神盾,但BBC事實查核後,直接在TikTok上找到了被挪用的原始畫面,暗夜大火 ...
秦漢多年未拍台劇,因為劉若英執導的影集《忘了我記得》在台灣露臉,曾是瓊瑤劇男神的他,依舊保養得宜。 同樣在瓊瑤劇撼動萬千影迷的還有70 ...
知名實況主「統神」張嘉航日前評論黃子佼事件時,因不慎失言引發各界撻伐,起初他堅不認錯,直到昨(10日)被議員苗博雅「狠狠上課」後,才 ...
統神看完丁特的影片後,認為其95%開外掛。(圖/翻攝自亞洲統神、丁特臉書) 知名實況主「丁特」約10個月前的影片近日成為了社群熱議話題 ...
現金回饋是什麼?顧名思義,現金回饋就是依照你刷卡消費的金額,來給予指定百分比的回饋,而這個回饋是可以讓你折抵 ...
Let's talk career, money and life. 5-minute weekly newsletter to stay ahead of the curve. Hello there! We are a bunch of (relatively) young people creating content for other young people on career, ...
The #Fitspo series is dedicated to inspirational men and women in Singapore leading healthy and active lifestyles. This week: Charge SG founder Vanessa Oh. Here is a round-up of sports events and ...
如今也推出了摩托車導航功能,但一般人最在意的測速照相與速限提醒卻一直沒著落,山不轉路轉,神盾測速照相 App與Google 地圖完美整合,可更新最新測速相機點資訊,且又是免費,來試試看吧!
SINGAPORE — There are five main taxes that one has to pay as a Singaporean or permanent resident, and income tax is one of these. Generally, income earned in or derived from Singapore is subject to ...
Oil prices fell further Wednesday on receding worries about a bigger Israel-Iran conflict, while global stocks varied following a stream of mixed earnings. The top two global oil contracts fell more ...