MUMBAI (Reuters) - The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) bought $8.56 billion on a net basis in the spot foreign exchange market in February, data released on Tuesday as part of the central bank's monthly ...
SINGAPORE — Employers in Singapore will have to consider flexible work arrangements (FWA) such as work-from-home (WFH) days, where formally requested by employees when a new set of guidelines kick on ...
The 27-member bloc wants to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, meaning it will emit no more than it can balance out with measures to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere such as reforestation ...
台日韩好莱坞以及本地多部灵异惊悚片本月猛鬼出炉! 魑魅魍魉电影一般选在鬼月杀出,绘声绘影、“鬼”气浓重,不过,记者察觉,从4月到5月,有多部鬼片已迫不及待“出闸”。 最新消息 ...
The rise in Ebitda was mainly attributable to net fair-value gain on foreign exchange of S$2.3 million, as opposed to a net loss of S$3.1 million in Q1 2023, as well as write-back of provision for ...
Thousands of Filipino and American troops kicked off joint military exercises in the Philippines on Monday, as Beijing's growing assertiveness in the region raises fears of a conflict. The annual ...
I'm convinced that perspiring due to high humidity—while waiting for public transport, walking from the car to the nearest air-conditioned mall, walking between the office and lunch, or even taking a ...
Discover the address of S. G. Basargod Medical Stores in Bijapur, Karnataka. Access complete location details, get directions via our interactive map. Medindia's Pharmacy or Chemist Directory ...
The watch world keeps on ticking, and there's never been a better moment to spend some quality time really considering that tempting new watch purchase. Sign up to Esquire's About Time newsletter ...
The decrease was mainly due to stock pull back and also not including our salaries for this month, because the update was a bit earlier this month. In terms of Gold, we are worth a lot less. Gold ...
IT之家4 月 21 日消息,丧尸生存游戏《七日杀》从 2013 年 12 月上架 Steam 平台之后,一直处于测试阶段。今日凌晨,《七日杀》官方 X(推特)账号发文宣布,该作即将在今年 6 月迎来测试阶段的 ...
史密斯并揭露中国“养套杀”模式行之有年,从一开始的市场诱因,鼓励企业赴中国设厂,到透过联营、收购、商业窃密等方式,最终将外商挤出中国市场。 知名独立评论人士蔡慎坤先前在X ...