就伊朗及以色列的武裝衝突導致伊朗部分城市的航班暫停升降,本港入境處至今接獲1名身在伊朗的港人查詢,已即時提供航班資訊,並將個案轉介 ...
29歲男子涉多宗性罪行案被捕至少6人報案料實際受害人更多 一名29歲本地男子涉嫌與多宗性罪行案件有關,被警方拘捕,他的 ...
保德國際(00372.HK)公布,其持股90%附屬Cupral業務表現及財務狀況不佳,根據英國1986年破產法,FRP Advisory Trading之Martyn James Pullin及David Antony Willis均將獲委任為Cupral聯席管理人。委任管理人將令禁止 ...
人民幣金額自動轉為港元結算,0手續費。 騰訊金融科技副總裁洪丹毅表示:「Costco 開市客今年初在深圳成立首家門市時,WeChat Pay HK率先推出多項港人優惠,掀起消費熱潮。WeChat Pay HK 再次聯乘 Costco ...
Hong Kong has become the latest country to approve spot exchange-traded funds (ETF) for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH), with local regulators issuing approvals to at least three local issuers.
A 47-year-old Hong Kong man has been charged with drug trafficking after customs seized about HK$2.2 million (US$280,972) of cannabis and crack cocaine in a weekend bust. The Customs and Excise ...
17日他出席一場活動時驚爆,二戰時他的舅父在新畿內亞上空駕駛軍機,結果遭當地食人族擊落後吃下肚,讓現場群眾驚呼連連,但隨即被美國 ...
澳洲悉尼一間商場13日驚傳隨機砍人案,造成至少7人傷亡,1名父親英勇抵擋兇手的畫面在網上流傳,獲得網友讚賞。 讓妻子帶着兒女先走 社交平台X ...
Hong Kong will mark its unprecedented role as a co-host of the coming National Games next year by hosting eight events including fencing and track cycling, among the city’s strongest sports.
SINGAPORE – Singapore and longstanding rival Hong Kong are fighting tooth and nail to attract family offices, but while they share the same goal, their game plans are quite different.
The much-anticipated approval of spot Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in Hong Kong earlier this week represents a significant industry milestone for some experts. However, others warn ...
By David Pierson A representative of Reporters Without Borders was denied entry to Hong Kong on Wednesday while attempting to enter the city on a fact-finding mission about shrinking press ...