The centrist political party No Labels announced Thursday it was calling off its plan to launch a third-party ‘unity’ ticket for November’s presidential election after it failed to find a ...
SINGAPORE hotels’ average room rate (ARR) gained month on month in February, amid an increase in international visitor arrivals, Singapore Tourism Board (STB) data showed on Tuesday (Apr 2). ARR in ...
“Whenever I hear its resonant, bubbly song, the forest seems to erupt with life,” says conservationist Ho Hua Chew, one of the first two people to study the species in Singapore. To the bird ...
今晚的巅峰对决中,广工以全新阵容拼尽全力,以66:65一分险胜对手,成功夺得第26届中国大学生篮球联赛东南王桂冠!赛出了坚韧、热血、励志的 ...
A Bulgarian cruise ship carrying over a hundred passengers has crashed into a concrete wall in a sluice on the River Danube in Austria. The incident occurred overnight in the northern Austrian ...
中国外交部长王毅与到访的哈萨克斯坦副总理兼外长努尔特列乌对话时,中哈将本着同舟共济精神,建立永久全面战略伙伴关系。 据中国外交部官网消息,中共政治局委员、中国外交部长王毅 ...
每经AI快讯,据深交所官网,2024年3月28日,中公教育(SZ 002607,收盘价:2.95元)董事、高管王振东个人名下持股减少6952.4万股 ...
Two years ago, the US government provided $7.5bn to create a national network of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. To date, seven have been built. The money came from the $1 trillion ...
直播吧3月27日讯 世预赛亚洲区第二阶段C组第4轮,中国男足主场4-1战胜新加坡。 赛后,解说董路点评了王大雷的表现:“我觉得大雷真的不容易,首先这么多年能够任劳任怨,然后一直在等待 ...
FORMER central bank chief Ravi Menon has been named Singapore’s first ambassador for climate action and a senior adviser to the National Climate Change Secretariat (NCCS) with effect from Apr 1. On ...
2024年3月25日,中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席王沪宁在京会见尼泊尔副总理兼外交部长施雷斯塔。 王沪宁表示,去年,习近平主席同普拉昌达总理会见,就发展中尼关系达成重要共识。
SINGAPORE - The situation in Gaza is horrific with many innocent lives lost and people continuing to suffer, and that is why the Government has been doing all it can to help with global relief ...