SINGAPORE’S economy grew 2.7 per cent year on year in the first quarter of 2024, improving from the previous quarter’s 2.2 per cent growth, advance estimates from the Ministry of Trade and Industry ...
中共中央政治局委员、中央财办主任何立峰10日在京会见新加坡副总理兼经济政策统筹部长王瑞杰,双方就宏观经济形势、中新金融合作等深入交换了看法。 何立峰表示,中新之间是全方位高 ...
Both men will serve a little over a year in prison, after which they will be deported and barred from returning to Singapore. Eight others are still awaiting the court's decision. Even as it draws ...
2024年4月9日,国家副主席韩正在北京会见新加坡副总理兼经济政策统筹部长王瑞杰。 韩正表示,在习近平主席和李显龙总理战略引领下,两国去年确立了全方位高质量的前瞻性伙伴关系新定位 ...
4月9日晚,济南奥体中心体育场,泰山队应战河南俱乐部酒祖杜康队。首发阵容当中,引人注目的守门员王大雷依然没有出场,由刘世博代替。 此役崔康熙和南基一两名韩国籍主帅展开直接对话。
A 26-year-old Indonesian man was sentenced to 18 months in prison and nine strokes of the cane in Singapore for illegally entering the island nation by swimming, local media reported. Singaporean ...
Called simply Certified, the program will be available for pre-owned timepieces from both professional and private sellers with price tags above $1,000 (€1,000). The certification includes a ...
中共政治局委员、中国外交部长王毅会见泰国公主诗琳通时说,中泰人文交流大有可为。 据中国外交部官网消息,王毅星期一(4月8日)在北京会见泰国公主诗琳通。 王毅表示,今年是中华人民 ...
这几天,国务委员、公安部部长王小洪先后前往中亚多个国家。 据《人民日报》4月7日消息,当地时间4月5日,塔吉克斯坦总统拉赫蒙在杜尚别会见 ...