根據氣象署統計,截至晚間7時22分,累計餘震數達710次,其中規模6以上有2次,分別是3日上午8時11分達規模6.5、10時14分達規模6.2;規模5至6則有25次 ...
By implementing these best practices, you can better protect your external web apps. Use HTTPS and SSL certificates: Secure your web application by using HTTPS and SSL certificates. Having these ...
Some have allegedly already been sold on the dark web, it added. The ministry responded in the evening, saying that it had been informed of the situation and that it considered the seller of the ...
Kelly Main is a Marketing Editor and Writer specializing in digital marketing, online advertising and web design and development. Before joining the team, she was a Content Producer at Fit Small ...
It's total solar eclipse day, April 8, and we're rounding up the best images of the phenomenon on social media. The highly anticipated total solar eclipse is here and we're rounding up the best ...
今年為甲辰龍年,所謂龍月、龍日、龍時即為辰月、辰日、辰時,稱之為「四龍時」,命理老師楊登嵙表示,今年有3個「四龍時」,拜觀音願望容易 ...
Capcom 旗下最新動作冒險遊戲《龍族教義2》(Dragon's Dogma 2)現已推出,雖然玩家社群因為最佳化、內容豐富度等問題讓評價兩極化,官方還是在日前 ...
中華職棒35年開幕戰,3月30日將在台北大巨蛋開打,由衛冕軍味全龍隊迎戰樂天桃猿,目前預售票已經超過2萬張,確定寫下歷年開幕戰新高,大巨蛋 ...
Taiwan's constitutional court debated the constitutionality of the death penalty on Tuesday, but some scholars questioned the authority of the grand justices to determine the fate of the current ...
為達最佳瀏覽效果,建議使用 Chrome、Firefox 或 Microsoft Edge 的瀏覽器。 〔記者施曉光、黃靖媗/台北報導〕台北市政府昔日與台智光簽訂光纖網路 ...
What Is the Dark Web? The dark web refers to encrypted online content and allows individuals to hide their identity and location from others. Dark web content is not indexed by conventional search ...
張善政市長出席「2024桃園龍岡米干節」的水花祈福開幕式及晚會活動。 張市長表示,2024 年的龍岡米干節已經成為桃園的城市品牌活動,並被交通部 ...