Step into wildlife biologist Rich Guenzel’s office and there will be no doubt about his passion for pronghorn -- an iconic ...
This species of antelope is so rare that Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge is one of the only places in the entire world outside of Africa’s Saharan Desert where they can be seen. Julien ...
The disruption to the wildebeest migratory route has genetic implications for the animals’ longer term survival, a new study ...
The blue antelope (Hippotragus leucophaeus) was an African antelope with a bluish-gray pelt related to the sable and the roan antelope. The last blue antelope was shot around 1800, just 34 years ...
Also known as gnus, wildebeests are a type of antelope. There are two species: blue wildebeests, native to southern and eastern Africa, and black wildebeests, found in southern Africa. Blue ...
The video shows how a pack of African wild dogs hunt down an antelope that attempts to escape by hiding in the middle of a lake. It was an early morning just before sunrise when I decided to go and ...
“Although many populations of dik-dik antelope remain in good numbers across large parts of Africa, there is emerging evidence to suggest that some localised populations are dwindling.
Africa is known as one of the best safari destinations in the world . Its vast grass plains, forests, deserts, mountains, big ...
Zipline, quad bike, bunjee... Experience heart-pounding excitement, immerse in breathtaking scenery at Durban’s Oribi Gorge ...
The UK’s last remaining female of one of the world’s most endangered antelope breeds has moved to a Suffolk zoo, in a new effort to save the species from extinction. Africa Alive ...
Antelope Enterprise Holdings Limited, through its subsidiaries, provides livestream e-commerce services and business management and information systems consulting services in the People's Republic ...