Generative artificial intelligence (AI) models often hallucinate and invent information that isn't factual or can't be cited ...
Researchers tackle the antibiotic resistance crisis with explainable neural networks and high throughput drug discovery.
The discovery and development of new antibiotics has been painfully slow — but artificial intelligence (AI) models are being developed to help speed up this process. Initially, researchers used ...
Since the 1970s, modern antibiotic ... to AI's ability to perform high-throughput screening. Semapimod is an anti-inflammatory drug typically used for Crohn's disease, and researchers discovered ...
AI Hallucinations Are not Always bad - They Can Create New Antibiotics. hallucinations are also proving helpful for ...
A new study by researchers at McMaster University and Stanford University shows how an AI generative model can rapidly design novel small-molecule antibiotic candidates that are effective against ...
Before the advent of generative AI, the same type of artificial intelligence technology that underlies large language models like ChatGPT, researchers had taken different computational approaches to ...
The worldwide spread of drug-resistant bacteria has created an urgent need for new antibiotics, but even modern AI methods are limited at isolating promising chemical compounds, especially when ...
Scientists at Uppsala University have discovered a new class of antibiotics with potent activity against multi-drug resistant bacteria, and have shown that it cures bloodstream infections in mice.
Many bacteria produce substances to gain an advantage over competitors in their highly competitive natural environment. Researchers have discovered a new so-called lantibiotic, namely epilancin A37.