The study found that when oleander aphids infested tropical milkweed — a nonnative milkweed species commonly used across southern portions of the U.S. stretching from California to Florida ...
These small pests, specifically oleander aphids, were observed in this new research to interfere with the development of monarch butterflies on tropical milkweed. This non-native milkweed species ...
Aphids are soft-bodied which means they can ... If you want to know if you have them, there are plants they like a lot. Gardenias, milkweed, and beans are all high on their favored menu.
The plight of monarch butterflies is well known. The population of the monarch’s host plant, native milkweed, is diminishing, which makes it difficult for the butterflies to survive. As a result, many ...
Renegade gardeners across the world are embracing a new philosophy: gardening that prioritises insects, not plants.
The story of this month is the brilliance and abundance of flowers, in our gardens and in our wild lands. But have you noticed the foliage also seems especially vigorous and healthy? Along with my ...
The goal is to note herbaceous vegetation, dead or alive, but specifically, milkweed. Individual teams document anything significant, including the amount of litter, ragweed, or unknown specimens that ...
An open letter to Floridians about a parasite in monarch butterflies has become controversial as some researchers suggest ...
It’s called milkweed. Milkweed serves as the singular host plant for monarch butterfly larvae so female monarchs search out milkweed on which to deposit their eggs. Once the eggs hatch ...
Combined with findings about the milkweed species' optimal growth requirements, this study will guide statewide management strategies and conservation efforts and ultimately help refine ...
Residents who want to attract monarch butterflies in their yard and give them a place to lay their eggs for the next generation can receive free native milkweed seeds from the South Carolina ...