Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Perhaps a better metaphor is, "What is harming my plants, the ants or the aphids?" We often see people asking how to get rid of ants in the garden, but these ...
While some insects like bees and butterflies serve as beneficial pollinators and can make your plants healthier, others like ...
Although you diligently maintain your plants’ health, sometimes they can develop an aphid problem that can pose a serious threat. These tiny yet powerful insects can wreak havoc on your garden ...
Like all the others in this rogues’ gallery, the worst of their damage is that they carry diseases and as they suck out nutrients, they inject these diseases into the plant. Aphids are soft ...
Aphids have invaded the spring garden.
This year, the Giant Bark Aphid (Longistigma caryae) has been lurking around. This is really an interesting insect to see.
In the popular children’s book “The Grouchy Ladybug” by Eric Carle, the tale begins with two ladybugs arguing over a plant covered with aphids. They both want to eat the tiny, green insects ...
We have a swarm of bees (we’re pretty sure they’re bees, not wasps) on a stump close to our big garden. We know they would be ...
However, if you are indeed plant, aphids can really suck. They like sucking sap and other nutrient-rich fluids from plants. This can damage and weaken plants, wreaking havoc in fruit and vegetable ...
and transgenic plants with exudate containing high concentrations of CBT-ol showed greatly diminished aphid colonization responses. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of significantly ...